Salvavidas Pharma

Articaine Hydrochloride

Articaine Hydrochloride - CAS- 23964-57-0Articaine Hydrochloride - CAS- 23964-57-0

Articaine Hydrochloride

Similar to other local anaesthetics, articaine stops nerve transmission by reversibly binding to the voltage-gated sodium channel subunit within the inner cavity of the neuron. When the articaine binds to the sodium channel, sodium influx is decreased, preventing the threshold potential from being achieved and stopping impulse conduction. Articaine has a state-dependent blocking effect on the sodium channel; it has a high affinity for the open state, a medium affinity for the inactivated state, and a low affinity for the resting state.
The diameter of the nerve has an impact on the level of neuronal block. In comparison to small myelinated fibres, larger-diameter fibres (touch, pressure, and motor) require higher dosages of local anaesthetic (pain afferents).

Articaine has a dissociation constant (pKa) of 7.8, is lipid soluble, and is 94% protein bound. Short-acting, intermediate-potency local anaesthetic with a quick beginning of action is called articaine

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Generic Name :Articaine Hydrochloride
CAS Number :23964-57-0
Grade :IP / BP / USP / EP
Packing Type :Drum
Therapeutic use :Local Anaesthetic
Product MOQ :5 kg

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