Hydrocortisone Injection
What is hydrocortisone acetate injection and what is the action’s mechanism?
A corticosteroid (a steroid medication) called hydrocortisone is used to relieve inflammation brought on by a variety of illnesses and ailments. Similar to cortisol, a hormone naturally produced by our adrenal glands, hydrocortisone is a medication. Strong anti-inflammatory effects and immune response suppression are both characteristics of corticosteroids. In April 1955, the FDA authorized the injection of hydrocortisone.
What brands of hydrocortisone acetate injection are provided?
Solu-Cortef, HYDCORT
Is hydrocortisone acetate injection a generic medication?
Is a prescription required for hydrocortisone acetate injection?
What are the side effects of injecting hydrocortisone acetate?
Corticosteroid side effects include:
- Headache
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Dizziness
- Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
- Restlessness
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Increased sweating
- Increased hair growth
- Moon face
- Acne
- Thinning of the skin
- Easy bruising or bleeding
- Tiny purple spots on the skin
- Irregular periods
- Eye problems
- Muscle pain or weakness
- Water retention (swollen feet, ankles, or legs)
- A black or tarry stool
- High blood pressure
- High blood sugar
- Osteoporosis
- Bone fractures
The adverse effects of hydrocortisone are determined by the dosage, duration, and frequency of treatment. Short courses of hydrocortisone are typically well tolerated, with just minor side effects. Long-term use of high dosages of hydrocortisone typically results in predictable and potentially dangerous adverse effects. To avoid side effects, the lowest effective dosages of hydrocortisone should be administered for the shortest amount of time feasible.
Hydrocortisone and other corticosteroids can conceal illness symptoms while also impairing the body’s normal immunological response to infection. Corticosteroid users are more sensitive to infections and can develop more severe illnesses than healthy people. Chickenpox and measles viruses, for example, can cause severe and even deadly infections in people receiving large doses of hydrocortisone. Live viral immunizations, such as the smallpox vaccine, should be avoided in individuals receiving large doses of hydrocortisone since even vaccine viruses can cause sickness.
Tuberculosis (TB) and malaria, for example, can lay latent in a patient for years. In some people, hydrocortisone and other corticosteroids can reawaken latent infections and cause significant disease. Patients with latent tuberculosis may require anti-TB drugs while receiving long-term corticosteroid therapy. Prolonged usage of hydrocortisone injection can impair the body’s adrenal glands’ capacity to manufacture corticosteroids. Stopping hydrocortisone abruptly might induce signs of corticosteroid insufficiency, including nausea, vomiting, and even shock. As a result, hydrocortisone discontinuation is generally slow. Gradually reducing hydrocortisone decreases not just the symptoms of corticosteroid insufficiency, but also the chance of a sudden flare of the illness under therapy. Adrenal gland function may not entirely improve for several months after discontinuing hydrocortisone. During times of stress, such as surgery, these individuals require supplemental hydrocortisone therapy to avoid signs of corticosteroid insufficiency and shock, because the adrenal gland is not reacting by making its corticosteroid.
Hydrocortisone inhibits calcium absorption and the creation of new bone. Patients on long-term hydrocortisone and other corticosteroids may develop osteoporosis and a higher risk of bone fractures. Supplemental calcium and vitamin D are recommended to reduce bone weakening. If osteoporosis develops, more severe therapy may be required.
Large joint destruction (aseptic necrosis) can occur in rare cases while using hydrocortisone or other corticosteroids. These individuals have considerable pain in the affected joints and may require joint replacements. The reason for such devastation is unknown.
What is the recommended dose of hydrocortisone acetate injection?
Injections of hydrocortisone can be given into a major muscle, such as the buttock or hip, into a vein, or added to an intravenous (IV) fluid bag. Dosing varies according to the ailment being treated. Adults should receive 100-500 mg intravenous or intramuscular injections every 2, 4, or 6 hours as needed.
Is it safe to use hydrocortisone acetate injection when pregnant or breastfeeding?
Birth abnormalities such as cleft palate, stillbirth, and preterm abortion have been recorded in certain corticosteroid patients. As a result, hydrocortisone injection during pregnancy should be used only if the possible benefit outweighs the potential danger to the fetus.
NURSING MOTHERS: Hydrocortisone is secreted in human milk, so it should be avoided in nursing mothers.
What else should I know about injections of hydrocortisone acetate?
What hydrocortisone acetate injectable formulations are available?
100, 250, 500, and 1000 mg injectable powder.
How should I store hydrocortisone acetate injection?
Unopened items should be kept at room temperature between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius (68 F to 77 F).