24th, February 2023
The Role of Supply Chain Management in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Export Introduction: Supply chain management is an integral part of any business operation, but it becomes especially crucial in the pharmaceutical industry. With the stakes high, it’s essential to have a well-functioning supply chain to ensure that drugs reach patients safely, efficiently, and affordably. This […]
24th, February 2023
Introduction: The pharmaceutical industry is a critical aspect of modern society, providing essential medicines and treatments to improve human health and well-being. The industry is highly regulated to ensure that products are of the highest quality, safe, and effective for patients. One of the key components of this regulation is Good Distribution Practices (GDPs). In […]
24th, February 2023
The Future of Pharmaceutical Research and Development in India Introduction: India is a country that boasts a rich history of traditional medicine and a strong pharmaceutical industry. The country has made significant strides in the field of pharmaceutical research and development (R&D) over the past few decades and is poised to become a global leader […]

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